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PICE068 Managing Glyphosate Resistance
This tutorial will discuss managing glyphosate resistance.
PICE070 Calibration of Soil Fumigant Injection Equipment
This tutorial will discuss calibration of soil fumigant injection equipment. Topics include protecting yourself and others from soil fumigant exposure and determining the equipment output and applying the correct rate of soil fumigation in a safe and legal manner.
PICE071 Chemigation through Microirrigation
This online presentation is developed for those interested in learning about delivering pesticides through microirrigation systems. It includes an introduction and covers system components, chemigation safety, microirrigation considerations, system calibration, and troubleshooting.
PICE072 Pesticide Best USE BMPs for the Green Industries
Best management practices are required for those working in the green industries to be successful. This tutorial will focus on several aspects important to the green industries, including pesticide selection, how pests react towards pesticides, why pesticides sometimes fail to be effective, pesticide storage practices, mixing and loading activities including spill management, management of pesticide drift, and pollinator protection.
PICE058 Insecticides and Pest Management Professionals
This particular tutorial will discuss insecticide basics for pest management professionals.
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PICE030 Soil and Greenhouse Fumigation
A comprehensive look at soil and greenhouse fumigation; including licensing, regulatory, and safety requirements for soil fumigation. Also covers site assessment, buffer zones and posting requirements, application equipment and techniques, area calculations and calibration of soil fumigation equipment, fumigant management plans and post-application summaries.
PICE047 Pesticide Drift: Keeping It On Target
This tutorial will discuss factors that affect pesticide spray and how to minimize pesticide drift.
PICE061 Herbicides 101 – Herbicides and the Plant
This tutorial discusses herbicides and the plant, including plant processes, herbicide tolerances, how polar and nonpolar herbicides, translocation characteristics, and herbicide selectivity.
PICE0100 Aquatic Pest Control
A comprehensive look at natural areas weed management, including licensing of applicators, pest plants, herbicides and their application, and non-herbicide methods of weed management.
PICE051 Principles of Pesticides Insecticides I
This particular tutorial will discuss neurotoxic Insecticides. The learning objectives include, describing several events of how insects played a significant role in our history, defining the term, insecticide and describing the following terms as related to insecticides: residual, contact, systemic, stomach poison, and translaminar movement.
PICE300 Applying Pesticide Correctly
Cover all of your Core education requirements with this comprehensive course on pesticide law, principles of pesticides and pest control, labeling, pesticide formulations, harmful effects of pesticides, personal protective equipment, and pesticide application procedures. Also covers safe transportation, storage, security and disposal of pesticide as well as what to do in an emergency.